Mayapple Village Homeowners Association

The official website of the Mayapple Village Homeowners Association.

Website Committee Policy



 Mayapple Village Homeowners Association, Inc. 

Website Committee Policy

Approved on 04/19/2018


1. The Chairperson of the committee is appointed by the MVHOA Board of Directors 

2. The Committee follows the same meeting procedures as the MVHOA Board of Directors. 

3. This policy can be modified by majority vote of the MVHOA Board of Directors. 



1. Communicate relevant information to homeowners in a timely fashion as to encourage information transparency and homeowner participation in relevant community affairs. 

2. Act as a potential resource for homeowners to facilitate organization, communication, and coordination necessary to plan and execute organized neighborhood activities, i.e., neighborhood picnic 


Website Update Procedures: 

1. Posts and modifications of the website require approval from the Website Committee, which is authorized by the MVHOA Board of Directors. 

2. The Website Committee will report to the MVHOA Board of Directors any website updates as they occur, during Board meetings, or upon request. 


Website Posting Procedures: 

The Webmaster is authorized to modify the MVHOA website upon approval of the MVHOA Board of Directors. In addition, the Webmaster will post and maintain the accuracy of the following information: 

1. Time, location, and other relevant information regarding MVHOA Board of Directors and Annual meetings. 

2. Approved MVHOA Board of Directors minutes. 

3. Approved financial reports, including annual budget and actual expenditure reports. 



4. Governing documents of the MVHOA, including Covenants, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations. 

5. Approved reports submitted to the MVHOA Board of Directors. 

6. Approved special notices. 

7. Approved committee meeting notes and notices. 

8. Approved neighborhood news and South Middleton Township news & events. 


Website Committee Members: 

The Website Committee will be composed of a Chair, approved by the MVHOA Board of Directors, and Mayapple Village homeowner volunteers. 

Webmaster Role and Responsibilities: 

The Webmaster will be responsible for maintaining the website and ensuring that the website is updated and backed up on a regularly scheduled basis; and posting information, data, and notices to the website as approved by the Mayapple Village Board of Directors and the Chair of the Website Committee. The Webmaster is also responsible for reviewing all annual hosting fees and other costs so that they are processed on a timely basis. 

Structure/Organization of the Website: 

The MVHOA website will contain public and private pages. Governing documents and neighborhood/ township news and events will be posted on the public pages. All communications, data, and reports specifically pertaining to Mayapple Village Board of Directors, committees, and residents will be posted on the private pages. Only residents with login credentials will be allowed access to the private pages of the website. 

Owner User Guide: 

Passwords, user names, and other data required to administer, maintain, and update the website will be held by the Webmaster and the Chair of the Website Committee. No additions, postings, updates, or any changes to the structure of the website and the data contained in it will be allowed without prior approval of the Chair, the Webmaster, or the President of the MVHOA upon approval of the Board of Directors. 

Designed by Pixel Kick Media / All items posted have been approved by MVHOA's board